Are You Using the Appropriate Cartridge/Caliber for Hunting? (Rifles Part 1)

Use the chart below the article as a guide to help you choose an appropriate cartridge/calibre. Whether you are a seasoned hunter with years of experience or someone new to the field; most have a general understanding of what calibers to use for the target game. But are you choosing the best cartridge for your […]

Becoming a Better Long Range Marksmen!

Understanding Minute of Angle (MOA) A Minute of Angle (MOA) is an angular measurement A MOA is 1/60th of a degree. 1 MOA spreads about 1″ per 100 yards. (actually 1.047″) 1 MOA is a different size at different distances 8″ at 800 yards is still just 1 MOA Becoming a Better Marksmen 1. Always think […]

The Age Old Debate- .300 vs .308

Personally i have always been a .308 type of guy, as reliable and lethal for a broader range of game sizes. Its my go to caliber for deer, moose and bear hunting as many would agree. However in 2011 a company by the name of Advanced Armament Corporation (AAC) released to market the .300 Blackout […]